Latest projects

cinemApp - Angular

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cinemApp - Angular is the client-side for an application called cinemApp based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database), with supporting documentation.

OmniFood is a front-End focused one-page website of a fictitious premium food delivery company. The landing page is built with technologies like HTML, CSS and uses JavaScript for animations.

Weather App

Simple React Weather application fetching data from openweathermap API. Users are able to search city and display the temperature, coordinates, the current date, humidity and wind speed.

React Quote Machine

Codepen Github

Random Quote Machine, a simple application built with React that gives users their daily quote dose with a single click.

Markdown Editor

Codepen Github

Real-time React Markdown Editor. Edit the markdown file and watch the result instantaneously in the preview window.

Pokedex Bootstrap

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This project is a small web application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and Bootstrap that loads data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail.

This project is a small web application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that loads data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail.

jQuery project

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A basic To-Do-List app with the following features:
The user can add a new items, can cross out an item, delete items, change the order of items in the list of items.